
Gloomy Morning Photographs

Foggy, wet, a little cool outside.  May not seem like ideal conditions to get out and shoot some photos, but I bet if you venture out you will find some interesting things.  That's exactly what I did late last week.  It was a cool, damp, foggy morning here in New Jersey.  As I looked at the fog in the morning light, I thought that there has to be some interesting images I could create.  So I ventured out in search of some interesting things to take pictures of.  

Below are a few of the images I captured during my 1 hour or so of being out and about.  All of the images are taking with the Canon 60D using an 18-135mm F3.5-5.6 IS lens.  Images were imported into Adobe Lightroom for cataloging and post processing.  Some of the images were then also brought into onOne's Perfect Effects for finishing touches.  

How often do you take photographs when the weather is less than ideal?